Fran Janes
Toronto, Canada
Dear Janice, NCS Wizard, scientist, coach and friend,
I know you have many hats but these are the ones I am speaking to today.
I have admired your calm, knowledgeable, accepting and inspiring presence since I met you. Now I not only understand better how you came to be this person, but I find myself heading along a similar path. I have known my goal for some time but since taking this NCS program with you I have found myself with the tools to clear my path, avoid some potholes, anticipate what’s around the bend , remain calm and enjoy the moment. My goal is becoming clearer as the self made road blocks are dissipated.
Your follow up phone calls kept me on track when traditionally, I may have wandered off course. In just the last few weeks my business has grown, I am more focused, accomplishing more and my long term project is getter closer and clearer.
Your NCS program has been a most rewarding experience and I heartily recommend it.